Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Chameleon

Scientific Name: Chamaeleo Chamaeleon

Common Name: Chameleon

Size: 1.3 inches to 27 inches

Weight: Female; 90-100 grams Male; 100-200 grams

Range: There are approximately 160 species of chameleons and they range from: Africa, Madagascar, Spain and Portugal, across south Asia, to Sri Lanka, and have been introduced to Hawaii, California and Florida.

Food: Crickets, Grasshoppers, Worms, and Flies.

Why this animal was picked: I have always admired chameleons and their ability to change due to their surroundings.

Other Information: There are more than 100 types of chameleons. Most change from brown to green and back. But some turn almost any color. A change can occur in 20 seconds! How does this color "magic" happen? Chameleons are born with special cells that have a color, or pigment, in them. These cells lie in layers under the chameleon's outer skin. They are called chromatophores. The top layers of chromatophores have red or yellow pigment. The lower layers have blue or white pigment. When these pigment cells change, the chameleon's skin color changes.Chromatophores change because they get a message from the brain. The message tells the cells to enlarge or to shrink. These actions cause cell pigments to mix-just like paint.A chemical called melanin also helps chameleons turn color. Melanin fibers can spread like spiderwebs through layers of pigment cells. Their presence causes skin to darken.

If you have any questions or comments please email me at or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James

Follow! Vote! For Emily! Ü

OK guys, follow me from your google account, vote on the polls, and comment on the posts! I will be posting the "Can you name me?" animal Saturday! And a new interesting animal today!

If you have any questions or comments please email me at or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James

"Can you name me?" Poll

Hey guys! It's Emily! Come on! Just 3 votes on the poll! YOu can do better than that!!! It ends Saturday, come on guys! Vote! Then tell you mom and dad to vote, then tell you grandparents to vote, then tell all your friends! Let's try to get 10 votes, that's not many, we can do it! ~VOTE!~ Ü

If you have any questions or comments please email me at or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Emily's Animal Investigations; Can You Name Me? Poll

Hi everyone! Emily here! I have my poll up and going again! The question is: What animal has the legs of a zebra but the body of a gazelle? Think you know it? CLick one of the answers and vote! I will post the answer and a whole post on this unique animal! Thanks for visiting my site! Please follow if you aren't already!

**Polls will be updated every 3 days!**

If you have any questions or comments please email me at or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James

The Giraffe

Common Name: Giraffe

Scientific Name: Giraffa camelopardalis

Size: 4.3 meters to 5.2 meters tall

Weight: Male; 2,600 pounds Female; 1,800 pounds

Range: Chad, (In Central Africa) to South Africa.

Food: Twigs of trees, grass, fruit, and leaves. (The Giraffe mostly prefers the twigs from the Genera Acacia, Commiphora and Terminalia trees.)

Why this animal was picked: Giraffe's are my favorite animal and have some interesting things about them.

Other Information: The giraffe has one of the shortest sleep requirements of any mammal, which is between ten minutes and two hours in a 24-hour period, averaging 1.9 hours per day. Although generally quiet and non-vocal, giraffes have been heard to make various sounds.Males will emit loud coughs.Females will call their young by whistling or bellowing. Calves will bleat, moo, or make mewing sounds. In addition, giraffes will grunt, snort, hiss, or make strange flute-like sounds. Recent research has shown evidence that the animal communicates at an infrasound level.

If you have any questions or comments please email me at or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bug Off

Hi again guys! I have gotten used to school now so I am back in the game. Now all I have to do is find me a bug! So, since I don't have one right now. I thought I would share this bug game with you!

Play Bug Off At

If you have any questions of comments email me at
Thanks for visiting my site.