Friday, September 4, 2009

The White Satin Moth

Common Name: White Satin Moth

Scientific Name: Leucoma salicis
Size: 1-5 inches
Range: Most Common in South can be in North
Food: Sallow and Various poplars
Location Found: By me on the small step into our house
Other Information: The Females are larger than the Males. Also, the reason they are called the White Satin Moth is because of its wings.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The No-see-um


Common Name: No-see-um

Scientific Name: Ceratopogonidae

Size: 1-4 millimeters a.k.a barely see-able!

Location Found: Requested by a Follower to reserch on

Life Span: I do not know but i am guessing maybe about a week or less?

How to keep no-see-um's away: Any insect repellant with DEET in it will do.

Other Information: They suck blood from animals as they do humans. The reason why you itch after you get your blood sucked by a tick, mosquitoe, or a no-see-um, you itch because when they release from your skin, they irritate it so it leaves a itchy spot.

Thank You Daisy for requesting me to post about these. I learned alot about them.

I hope I found what you were looking for.

If you have any questions or comments please email me at or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Praying Mantis

You won't believe it! I looked outside on the garage door the morning and I saw this gigantic praying mantis! I went to get my mom so she could look at it. Of course she brought her camera and these are the pictures. Don't you think it's just awesome?!
Common Name: Praying Mantis
Scientific Name: Stagmomantis Carolina
Size: About 5 inches
Food: Other insects
Carnivore or Herbivore? Carnivore
Beneficial? Yes
Location Found: My dad found it on my garage door this morning
Other Information: The females will actually eat the heads off the males. Talk about aggressive!
If you have any questions or comments please email me at or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James