Emily's Animal Investigations!
Hi! I'm Emily and I am 12 years old. I have a very high interest in animals and, I am wanting to become a vet someday. This blog has many different species of animals, their name, and some interesting facts about them. I will update my blog at least once a day!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Chameleon
Scientific Name: Chamaeleo Chamaeleon
Common Name: Chameleon
Size: 1.3 inches to 27 inches
Weight: Female; 90-100 grams Male; 100-200 grams
Range: There are approximately 160 species of chameleons and they range from: Africa, Madagascar, Spain and Portugal, across south Asia, to Sri Lanka, and have been introduced to Hawaii, California and Florida.
Food: Crickets, Grasshoppers, Worms, and Flies.
Why this animal was picked: I have always admired chameleons and their ability to change due to their surroundings.
Other Information: There are more than 100 types of chameleons. Most change from brown to green and back. But some turn almost any color. A change can occur in 20 seconds! How does this color "magic" happen? Chameleons are born with special cells that have a color, or pigment, in them. These cells lie in layers under the chameleon's outer skin. They are called chromatophores. The top layers of chromatophores have red or yellow pigment. The lower layers have blue or white pigment. When these pigment cells change, the chameleon's skin color changes.Chromatophores change because they get a message from the brain. The message tells the cells to enlarge or to shrink. These actions cause cell pigments to mix-just like paint.A chemical called melanin also helps chameleons turn color. Melanin fibers can spread like spiderwebs through layers of pigment cells. Their presence causes skin to darken.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at animallover2724@gmail.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James
Follow! Vote! For Emily! Ü
OK guys, follow me from your google account, vote on the polls, and comment on the posts! I will be posting the "Can you name me?" animal Saturday! And a new interesting animal today!
If you have any questions or comments please email me at animallover2724@gmail.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James
If you have any questions or comments please email me at animallover2724@gmail.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James
"Can you name me?" Poll
Hey guys! It's Emily! Come on! Just 3 votes on the poll! YOu can do better than that!!! It ends Saturday, come on guys! Vote! Then tell you mom and dad to vote, then tell you grandparents to vote, then tell all your friends! Let's try to get 10 votes, that's not many, we can do it! ~VOTE!~ Ü
If you have any questions or comments please email me at animallover2724@gmail.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James
If you have any questions or comments please email me at animallover2724@gmail.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Emily's Animal Investigations; Can You Name Me? Poll
Hi everyone! Emily here! I have my poll up and going again! The question is: What animal has the legs of a zebra but the body of a gazelle? Think you know it? CLick one of the answers and vote! I will post the answer and a whole post on this unique animal! Thanks for visiting my site! Please follow if you aren't already!
**Polls will be updated every 3 days!**
If you have any questions or comments please email me at animallover2724@gmail.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James
The Giraffe
Common Name: Giraffe
Scientific Name: Giraffa camelopardalis
Size: 4.3 meters to 5.2 meters tall
Weight: Male; 2,600 pounds Female; 1,800 pounds
Range: Chad, (In Central Africa) to South Africa.
Food: Twigs of trees, grass, fruit, and leaves. (The Giraffe mostly prefers the twigs from the Genera Acacia, Commiphora and Terminalia trees.)
Why this animal was picked: Giraffe's are my favorite animal and have some interesting things about them.
Other Information: The giraffe has one of the shortest sleep requirements of any mammal, which is between ten minutes and two hours in a 24-hour period, averaging 1.9 hours per day. Although generally quiet and non-vocal, giraffes have been heard to make various sounds.Males will emit loud coughs.Females will call their young by whistling or bellowing. Calves will bleat, moo, or make mewing sounds. In addition, giraffes will grunt, snort, hiss, or make strange flute-like sounds. Recent research has shown evidence that the animal communicates at an infrasound level.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at animallover2724@gmail.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.Thank You For Visiting Emily's Animal Investigations, and I hope you visit again!,Emily James
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Bug Off
Hi again guys! I have gotten used to school now so I am back in the game. Now all I have to do is find me a bug! So, since I don't have one right now. I thought I would share this bug game with you!
Play Bug Off At FOG.com
If you have any questions of comments email me at emily.james2724@yahoo.com
Thanks for visiting my site.
Play Bug Off At FOG.com
If you have any questions of comments email me at emily.james2724@yahoo.com
Thanks for visiting my site.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The White Satin Moth
Common Name: White Satin Moth
Scientific Name: Leucoma salicis
Scientific Name: Leucoma salicis
Size: 1-5 inches
Range: Most Common in South can be in North
Food: Sallow and Various poplars
Location Found: By me on the small step into our house
Other Information: The Females are larger than the Males. Also, the reason they are called the White Satin Moth is because of its wings.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The No-see-um
Common Name: No-see-um
Scientific Name: Ceratopogonidae
Size: 1-4 millimeters a.k.a barely see-able!
Location Found: Requested by a Follower to reserch on
Life Span: I do not know but i am guessing maybe about a week or less?
How to keep no-see-um's away: Any insect repellant with DEET in it will do.
Other Information: They suck blood from animals as they do humans. The reason why you itch after you get your blood sucked by a tick, mosquitoe, or a no-see-um, you itch because when they release from your skin, they irritate it so it leaves a itchy spot.
Thank You Daisy for requesting me to post about these. I learned alot about them.
I hope I found what you were looking for.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Common Name: No-see-um
Scientific Name: Ceratopogonidae
Size: 1-4 millimeters a.k.a barely see-able!
Location Found: Requested by a Follower to reserch on
Life Span: I do not know but i am guessing maybe about a week or less?
How to keep no-see-um's away: Any insect repellant with DEET in it will do.
Other Information: They suck blood from animals as they do humans. The reason why you itch after you get your blood sucked by a tick, mosquitoe, or a no-see-um, you itch because when they release from your skin, they irritate it so it leaves a itchy spot.
Thank You Daisy for requesting me to post about these. I learned alot about them.
I hope I found what you were looking for.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Praying Mantis
You won't believe it! I looked outside on the garage door the morning and I saw this gigantic praying mantis! I went to get my mom so she could look at it. Of course she brought her camera and these are the pictures. Don't you think it's just awesome?!
Common Name: Praying Mantis
Scientific Name: Stagmomantis Carolina
Size: About 5 inches
Food: Other insects
Carnivore or Herbivore? Carnivore
Beneficial? Yes
Location Found: My dad found it on my garage door this morning
Other Information: The females will actually eat the heads off the males. Talk about aggressive!
If you have any questions or comments please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Green Lynx Spider
Size: Female 22 milimeters Male 12 milimeters
Gender: Male
Food: Almost any insects that land on the Shrub or Flower it is on.
Location Found: The New Lowe's in Mount Juliet on on of the Daisy Flowers just outside the building.
Other Information: The Green Lynx very raley bites humans, but when it does decide to digg in it really hurts!
Sorry I don not have very much information on this spider
If you have any questions or comments please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Tiger Beetle
Scientific Name: Cicindela Ocellata Rectilatera Chaudoir
Common Name: Tiger Beetle
Size: 12-14 milimeters
Range: In the United States, found over much of the eastern and Great Plains states. Absent from the Gulf Coast area. Range continues into southeastern Canada.
Food: A variety of insects
Location Found: In Rhonda's Pool swimming, The reason why it was in Rhonda's pool is because they love the water they can swim and are very attracted to it. I think that it was in her pool because it needed to get to water and Rhonda's pool was the closest.
Other Information: This bug has two jagged fangs! Look in the first picture. I tried my best to point them out. The fangs are closed we did not get a picture with his/her fangs open. I hope you can see them.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Black Swallowtail Butterfly
Scientific Name: Papilio Polyxenes
Common Name: Black Swallowtail Butterfly
Gender: Male
Size: Grow to About 2.5 cenimeters (Body) Wing Spand is 8-10 cenimeters
Range: North America
Food: Nectar From Flowers. Specifically Butterfly Bushes.
Location Found: Rhonda's House on her Butterfly Bush by the Pool.
Other Information: To tell the difference from a boy and girl you look at the wings, if it is a girl it will have a blue line at the bottom of it's tail.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The June Bug
Common Name: June Bug and June Beetle
Food: Plant Leaves
Size: 25-45 milimeters
Life Span: 1-4 years. Wow!
Range: All Around The World
Location Found: My Aunt Rhonda's House Beside Her Pool.
Other Information: These are different from the Brown June Bug. They aren't big differences but their are a few. You do NOT want these bugs on your plants!
If you have any questions or comments please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Brown June Bug
Scientific Name: Phyllophaga sp.
Common Name: Brown June Bug
Size: 25-45 Millimeters
Food: Plant Leaves
Life Span: 1-4 Years Wow that's a long life for a bug!
Range: All Around The World
Location Found: Outside Beside The Light
Other Information: These bugs are very harmful to plants!
Common Name: Brown June Bug
Size: 25-45 Millimeters
Food: Plant Leaves
Life Span: 1-4 Years Wow that's a long life for a bug!
Range: All Around The World
Location Found: Outside Beside The Light
Other Information: These bugs are very harmful to plants!
If you have any questions or comments please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
PS: Please email me if you have a uestion about this bug or any of the others! :) Thank you!
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Leaf Hopper
Scientific Name: Acanalonia Servillei
Common Name: Leaf Hopper
Size: 2-30 millimeter's long
Food: All Species Feed On Plant Sap
Range: All Over The World
Location Found: Flying around our outside light. (One of the spots they are most likely found in)
Other Information: The Leaf Hopper is harmless to human. Also, there is over 100,000 speices!
If you have any questions or comments please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment a the bottom of this post.
Thank You For Visiting Emily's Bug Blog!,
Emily James
Bug On A Wire
Sorry something is wrong with Blogger today so you will have to copy and paste the Bug On A Wire game in your website bar at the top of your screen.
This is one of my favorite computer gameson the web, it is of bugs so I thought i'd share it with you. What you have to do is use your arrow keys to move along the 4 wires and try to avoid other obstacles. Good luck playing!
If you have and questions or comments email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment at the bottom of the post.
Thank You For Visiting!,
Emily James
Sorry something is wrong with Blogger today so you will have to copy and paste the Bug On A Wire game in your website bar at the top of your screen.
This is one of my favorite computer gameson the web, it is of bugs so I thought i'd share it with you. What you have to do is use your arrow keys to move along the 4 wires and try to avoid other obstacles. Good luck playing!
If you have and questions or comments email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment at the bottom of the post.
Thank You For Visiting!,
Emily James
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Arachnid Fight!
This is a video I recorded of two spiders fighting. They are both Grass Spiders. Please click on the link and watch it on YouTube. I uploaded it on my YouTube account because it would not upload to blogger.
If you have any questions or comments email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment.
Thanks! and Enjoy!,
Emily James
This is a video I recorded of two spiders fighting. They are both Grass Spiders. Please click on the link and watch it on YouTube. I uploaded it on my YouTube account because it would not upload to blogger.
If you have any questions or comments email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment.
Thanks! and Enjoy!,
Emily James
Arachnid Section!
Here is another of my findings it is not a insect it is an Arachnid.
Scientific Name: Latrodectus mactans mactans
Common Name: Southern Black Widdow Spider
Gender: Female
Range: Southern US as far as Canada
Food: Insects
Size: Fully Grown is 1.2 in.
Location Found: Inside our water meter at our house.
Other Info: The black Widdow is known as the most venomous spider in North America.
If you have any question's about this arachnid please email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment. I will reply.
Thank You!,
Emily James
Leaf- Footed Bug
Common Name: Leaf- Footed Bug
Range: North Carolina to Florida, West to Arizona
Identification: A leaf like creature with a flat and narrow body and 2 tubercles ( which are the two black dots behind its head)
Gender: ?
Location Found: My backyard on my mom's back. That's where he liked to hang. :)
Other Information: There are only three species in Florida.
If you have any questions or comments you can email me at emilysuejames@yahoo.com or leave a comment.
Emily James
PS there is a picture with it's Tubercles circled in red. They are very tiny so look hard. It is the first picture.
Hercules Beetle
Common Names: Hercules Beetle, Rhinocerous Beetle,Unicorn Beetle (The last two names are for males)
Gender: Female
Date Found: July 1 2009
Range: Eastern United States, north into southern New York, Pennsylvannia, west to Indiana, Texas
Idenification: Huge size, greenish elytra with variable amounts of dark spots. Some are nearly black. Male has massive horns projecting forward from head and pronotum.
Size: Adult 40-60 mm long (including the "horns" of the male) and 20 to 27 mm wide
Food: Adults feed on rotting fruit, sap, to some extent.
Location Found: At Mount Juliet First Baptist Church after VBS.
Other Information: This is the Largest and Heaviest beetle in North America.
Thank You For Visiting My Blog!,
Emily James
PS: If you have any questions about this insect or my website please leave a comment or email me at: emilysuejames@yahoo.com
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